Asia 2006: Random Bozo goes to Kerala

Cheruthony: Tuesday 30th May


Idukki district

view from my hotel in

view from my hotel in

view from my hotel in

view from my hotel in

I think this is still in Cheruthony

a stall on the road near Idukki

Idukki dam again

the children who welcomed me
to the village

the village from outside the
childrens' house. To the left,
the road goes downhill to
Idukki and then Cheruthony.

my 'welcome committee'

a new house above the village


the welcoming committee grows

Random Bozo in the schoolroom

the trainee teachers

I can't remember him

mad Random Bozo

dancing queen

the whole gang

singing (movie)

singing and dancing (movie)

in the house of TV

in the house of TV

in the house of TV

Random Bozo in the house of TV


self portrait

back in the schoolroom

back in the schoolroom

I think this is the girl who
wanted my 'sudder' (jacket).

back in the schoolroom

leaving the village

back in Cheruthony?

on the outskirts of Cheruthony

Village Kerala

In the morning, I bussed back to the village and sat in the chai-stall, trying to regather my anatomy from the shaking it had received on the way. Some children beckoned me from a doorway across the road. Assuming an adult was behind them, I crossed over to join them. They took me to the local library/primary school and gathered some of their elder (18-19 year-old) friends who were trainee teachers. We exchanged some songs and stories: I'm hoping for forgiveness for my renditions of the hero's return and exercising some control.

During a break in the rain, I was taken to a house and shown some malayalam TV.

I then made a heart-rending mistake: one of the first children I'd met here was cold and wet so I lent her my jacket to walk her home. She thought I'd given it to her permanently and so asked time and time again to get it back when I insisted to it being returned to me. I can't yet decide whether I've been selfish or sensible. She has a home, friends and relatives here. I don't. However he situation has been forced upon her while I chose mine. Also, how could she understand that a rich-looking westerner doesn't currently have money to give away when so many folk who look like me do?

I returned to Cheruthony feeling depressed and ill around 2pm. By now the rain was flooding down, drenching Cheruthony's main street under half an inch of fast-running water and making anything but staying in my hotel room a fool's errand. I slept fitfully from 4pm that afternoon to 8am the next morning.

© (except the blatantly ripped-off bits) Random Bozo 2006