Asia 2006: Random Bozo goes to Kerala

Ottapalam: Friday 12th May


Mr Bashir, the restaurant

Again, I spent most of the day exorcising last week's tension and so took few photos. I did add a few driblets about the day's events:

Ottapalam notes

One of the staff at my hotel told me last night that the Keralan election was won by a coalition of four left-wing parties. This ends the reign of another four-party coalition and so that coalition's Chief Minister is about to resign. I wasn't able to find out anything about the interregnum which was implied. However, each state apparently has a govenor, presumably appointed by central government for such reasons.

If I had been brought up in India and gone to school, I would probably know a lot more about India's constitution. I've been told that it was written by Dr B Ambedkar. This explains the the many statues of him and things named after him. A quick read of the wikipedia article about him convinces me he's well worth knowing more about.

Just in case you're interested:

Until yesterday, I would have described Ottapalam as a one-horse town. On my way from the post-office, I saw it wasn't a horse, but a donkey. The donkey had terrible welts on its shoulders and side.


The Indian Railways website worked as far as getting to entering my credit card details. It then vanished into the dirac sea. I'm going to walk to the station and buy my ticket there.

© (except the blatantly ripped-off bits) Random Bozo 2006