Asia 2006: Random Bozo goes to Goa

Palolem: Friday 14th April


Uniformed bods on the beach

Looking south-east-ish from
the smaller beach

beach scene

My arse didn't get burnt.
My legs did.

Original diary entry

Last night, I ate at a beach-café and met a family from London. We met up by chance again today and swam, then lounged on the beach for a bit, before going to the north of the main beach and crossing a stream to get to a much less tiny crowded beach to lounge even more.

I'm slightly sunburnt on my houlders and my right hip but it's been fab to sit and read:

Should be a party tonight (last full moon of the season) so I'm going to sleep for a couple of hours, get my glad-rags on and inflict myself on it.

I'm heading back to Margao tomorrow morning to meet up with Suriya and buy our train tickets to Tamil Nadu for Raju's wedding. Thereafter, I'll probably come back here for a few days.

Interesting meme

I want everyone who reads this to ask me 3 questions, no more no less. Ask me anything you want, I'll answer - but my answer will be a lie. Then I want you to go to your journal, copy and paste this allowing your friends (including me) to ask you 3 questions to which your answers will be lies.

MsInvisFem's questions

  1. What have you liked best about your trip so far?
  2. Why did you ask me about mangoes?
  3. Why did you wear two hats at once?

My replies

  1. I just loved sending time in Indian buses as the smooth road-surfaces, pneumatic suspension and beautiful hosteses massaged my being to a higher plane.
  2. I've never tasted one and was to use your reaction as the start of a poll as to whether I should try one.
  3. I thought that they looked like the combined crown of the kingdoms of upper an lower Egypt. At the time, I think I may have ha the beginnings or delusions of grandeur (or at least adequacy) and wanted to show this tacitly.

Mandapanda's questions

  1. How old are you?
  2. Have you ever been to Glastonbury?
  3. What do you think of girls who wear short skirts?

My replies

  1. 40 from the neck up, 25 from the neck down. My actual neck is of an indeterminate, irrational and imaginary age.
  2. Never even heard of it, let alone been there. Should I?
  3. I don't think much of them. Boys in shortie shorts are a much better deal, or at least they would be if I didn't have a girl in no skirt at all sat on my face and blocking the view!

© (except the blatantly ripped-off bits) Random Bozo 2006