Bruce's code - written in 90 minutes under test conditions

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

public class BMRyanClassTest {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
     /** You are to write a program to record data from weather stations.
     * Your program should allow the following data to be entered for each weather station:
     * - weather station code (a 3 digit number 100 - 999)
     * - maximum temperature recorded
     * - minimum temperature recorded
     * The user should be able to enter data from an unspecified number of weather stations.
     * When the user has finished entering data the program should print
     * - the highest maximum temperature and the code for the weather station where it was recorded
     * - the lowest minimum temperature and the code for the weather station where it was recorded */

     /** How to set about this?
     * - need arrays for each of
     * - weather station number (needs to be validated!)
     * - max temp
     * - min temp
     * - user should be able to enter number of arrays, then arrays can be declared
     * - then loop from zero to numberOfStations to allow data to be entered.
     * - when data entry finished, simple tests for element numbers of array, then print data

     /** main method */
         /** declarations */

         int numberOfStations;
         float potentialMaxTemp;
         float potentialMinTemp;
         int potentialMaxTempStationNumber;
         int potentialMinTempStationNumber;
         String maxTempSentence;
         String minTempSentence;
         String totalOutput;
         String headline = "Weather station news";

     /** actual code */
         /** get data */

             /** ask luser for number of stations */
             numberOfStations = getNumberOfStations();

             /** set up arrays for stationNumber, maxTemp, minTemp */
             int [] stationNumberArray = new int[numberOfStations];
             float [] maxTempArray = new float[numberOfStations];
             float [] minTempArray = new float[numberOfStations];

             /** for loop (0 to number of stations) to ask for: */
             for (int counter = 0; counter < numberOfStations; counter++) {
                 /** stationNumber */
                     /** validate - if invalid, ask for valid datum DONE IN METHOD
                     * it would be nice to validate that all station numbers are unique
                     * by testing each new one against previous entries.*/
                     /** convert input (String) to integer DONE IN METHOD*/
                     /** enter into stationNumber array */

                     stationNumberArray[counter] = getStationNumber(counter);

                 /** maxTemp */
                 maxTempArray[counter] = getMaxTemp(counter);
                     /** convert input (String) to integer DONE IN METHOD */
                     /** enter into maxTemp array */

                 /** minTemp */

                 minTempArray[counter] = getMinTemp(counter);
                     /** convert input (String) to integer DONE IN METHOD */
                     /** enter into minTemp array */

             } /** end for loop */
         /** end get data */

         /** data analysis */
             /** find max temp */
                 /** set potentialMaxTemp = maxTemp[0] */

                 potentialMaxTemp = maxTempArray[0];

                 /** set potentialMaxTempStationNumber = 0 */
                 potentialMaxTempStationNumber = 0;

                 /** for loop (0 to numberOfStations) to : */
                 /** check next element: if it's greater than current potentialMaxTemp, */
                 /** potentialMaxTemp takes on this value */
                 /** potentialMaxTempStationNumber value becomes the number of this element */

                 for (int counter = 1; counter < numberOfStations; counter++) {
                     if (maxTempArray[counter] > potentialMaxTemp) {
                         potentialMaxTemp = maxTempArray[counter];
                         potentialMaxTempStationNumber = counter;
                     } //end if
                 } //end for

             /** find min temp */
                 /** set potentialMaxTemp = maxTemp[0] */
                 potentialMinTemp = minTempArray[0];
                 /** set potentialMaxTempStationNumber = 0 */
                 potentialMinTempStationNumber = 0;

                 /** for loop (0 to numberOfStations) to : */
                 /** check next element: if it's greater than current potentialMaxTemp, */
                 /** potentialMaxTemp takes on this value */
                 /** potentialMaxTempStationNumber value becomes the number of this element */

                 for (int counter = 1; counter < numberOfStations; counter++) {
                     if (minTempArray[counter] < potentialMinTemp) {
                         potentialMinTemp = minTempArray[counter];
                         potentialMinTempStationNumber = counter;
                     } //end if
                 } //end for

             /** data output */
                 /** It would be neater to use string fragments, AND TO USE METHODS. */
                 /** construct maxtemp sentence */

                 maxTempSentence = "The maximum temperature recorded was " + potentialMaxTemp + " degrees celcius. \n" +
                     "This occurred at weather station " + stationNumberArray[potentialMaxTempStationNumber] + ".";

                 /** construct mintemp sentence */
                 minTempSentence = "The minimum temperature recorded was " + potentialMinTemp + " degrees celcius. \n" +
                     This occurred at weather station " + stationNumberArray[potentialMinTempStationNumber] + ".";

                 /** concatenate the sentences, line-breaks between the two */
                 totalOutput = maxTempSentence + "\n\n" + minTempSentence;

                 /** display concatenated output */
                 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, totalOutput, headline, JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);

     } //end main

     /** user-defined methods */

     public static int getNumberOfStations() {
         /** declarations */
         String inputNumberOfStations;
         int numberOfStations;

         /** actual code */
         inputNumberOfStations = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("How many weather stations are we comparing today? " +
         "Please note that a set of (station number, its maximum temperature and its minimum temperature) " +
         "will be called a DATA_SET.");
         numberOfStations = Integer.parseInt(inputNumberOfStations);

         /** validate */
         while (numberOfStations < 1) {
             inputNumberOfStations = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("There's no point in working with zero or negative numbers of stations. " +
                 "Please try again.");
             numberOfStations = Integer.parseInt(inputNumberOfStations);
             /** How can I validate against non-numeric input? */
         } //end while

         /** return value */
         return numberOfStations;
     } //end getNumberOfPeople

     public static int getStationNumber(int counter) {
         /** declarations */
         int inputCounter = counter + 1;
         String stationNumberMessage;
         String stationNumberInput;
         int stationNumber;

         /** get user input and return it */
         stationNumberMessage = "Please enter the station number for data-unit " + inputCounter + ".";
         stationNumberInput = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(stationNumberMessage);
         stationNumber = Integer.parseInt(stationNumberInput);

             /** validate */
             while (stationNumber < 100 || stationNumber > 999) {
                 stationNumberMessage = "Invalid entry. The station number should be a three digit number "+
                     "(100 to 999 inclusive). \n\n " +
                     "Please re-enter the station number for data-unit " + inputCounter + ".";
                 stationNumberInput = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(stationNumberMessage);
                 stationNumber = Integer.parseInt(stationNumberInput);
             } //end while
             return stationNumber;
     } //end getStationNumber

     public static float getMaxTemp(int counter) {
         /** declarations */
         String maxTempMessage;
         String maxTempInput;
         float maxTemp;

         /** get user input and return it */
         maxTempMessage = "Please enter the maximum temperature (in degrees C) for the current data-unit.";
         maxTempInput = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(maxTempMessage);
         maxTemp = Float.parseFloat(maxTempInput);

         /** validate that temp > absolute zero*/
         while (maxTemp < -273.15 ) {
             maxTempMessage = "Invalid entry. The maximum temperature should be above absolute zero " +
                 "(-273.15 degrees celcius). \n\n " +
                 "Please reenter the maximum temperature (in degrees C) for the current data-unit.";
             maxTempInput = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(maxTempMessage);
             maxTemp = Integer.parseInt(maxTempInput);
         } //end while
         return maxTemp;
     } //end getmaxTemp

     public static float getMinTemp(int counter) {
         /** declarations */
         String minTempMessage;
         String minTempInput;
         float minTemp;

         /** get user input and return it */
         minTempMessage = "Please enter the minimum temperature (in degrees C) for the current data-unit.";
         minTempInput = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(minTempMessage);
         minTemp = Float.parseFloat(minTempInput);
         /** if time allows, validate that min temp for this element <= max temp for this element. */
         return minTemp;
     } //end getminTemp


29th: Tofu-henge!


© (except the blatantly ripped-off bits) Random Bozo 2011